

Assessing the Financial Feasibility of Modular Construction


Alvera / DJR架构 & 设计 / photo Korey Kevin 工作室

模块化建筑被吹捧为对抗利率和成本上升的一种手段, and to help address America’s housing shortage. 在质量控制的环境下,建设速度更快等优势使其成为一个价值1000亿美元的全球产业, 270亿美元在美国.S., even in a tight labor market.1 但是,对于开发人员或设计团队来说,考虑多户项目的模块化是否有切实的成本效益?

本文将考虑与模块化结构相关的潜在节省和回报率, and highlight the impacts of this approach on Alvera, an apartment building in St. 保罗、锰,五层模块化轻框架木结构,两层裙楼.


When assessing the financial feasibility of modular vs. traditional on-site construction, factors come into play that generally don’t fall into project pro-forma. One of the most important is speed to market. 因为施工与现场和基础工作同时进行, a modular approach can reduce the schedule by 30-50%.

例如, 200个单位, 混凝土平台上的轻框架木结构七层建筑, a schedule of 18 months could be compressed to 10-12 months. 这使得项目能够更快地产生收入,同时减少建设费用和贷款利息. 模块化单元通过制造过程在工厂中完成, 哪一个 necessitates engineering and design development coordination. This controlled environment reduces the risk of change orders, 哪一个, in addition to keeping the project on schedule, creates a level of certainty in calculating overhead and labor costs. There are also less costs related to street closures and laydown areas. (一个相关的考虑是,模块化建筑可以解决城市场地紧凑的问题,在那里起重机和脚手架是具有挑战性的.) Once modules arrive at a jobsite, installation happens quickly with minimal disruption to the neighborhood.

Other Positive Impacts on Cost

工厂制造的方法有助于提高质量和效率,同时解决熟练劳动力短缺问题,减少工地浪费, all of 哪一个 save time and money. 例如, 在受控的环境中建造,通过消除与雨或雪相关的水的流入来保护工艺的价值,这是木材项目的重要考虑因素. 模块到达工地时是密封的,并在安装阶段得到充分保护. 模块化结构的可预测性可以节省5-10%的项目成本, though that basis can change with project scale and complexity.

在一个典型的项目中, the entire module—from wood-frame structure to finished walls, 地板, plumbing and electrical 固定装置—is built in the factory. A focus on consistency and quality enhances structural integrity, 哪一个 minimizes damage during transportation (and again, 昂贵的延迟). 然而, the final building will have more integrity than the modules alone, as the modules are placed beside and on top of each other, creating a stronger box without the use of shear walls. 也不需要石膏混凝土地板衬垫(这会给工地增加更多的水,并且固化时间会减慢施工速度)。, 由于这种方法的固有性质,在地板/天花板和墙壁上创建了两层分离的音障, increasing acoustic ratings without additional materials. 这并不会限制创意,因为模块可以定制设计并以不同角度堆叠. So, while repetition yields the greatest savings, 创造性的聪明才智在建造美丽和持久的结构中起着重要作用.

Alvera Meets Objectives Faster and at Lower Cost with a Modular Approach

Alvera is a 5-over-2 market-rate apartment building in St. 保罗、锰. 它最初被认为是一个现场建设项目,但有许多挑战. The site was small and uniquely shaped, 设备的空间有限,附近也没有材料储存或分期的地方. The schedule was also estimated at 18-24 months. DJR架构 & 设计之前有过模块化建设的经验,并相信使用这种方法可以更快、更低成本地实现创造性目标.

正如预期的, the team had no issue maintaining Alvera’s aesthetic and complexity; in addition to residential units, 一个皇冠2登录welcome, and numerous common amenity spaces, 该项目包括一个机械化的汽车堆放系统,有102个半自动摊位. The modular design also allowed maximum density with 193 units on 0.61 acres (316 units/acre) while reducing the timeline to 12 months. 这些模块在22天内完成,不需要分段,流量也更少, 噪音, and disruption to the neighborhood. 工程的质量也得到了提高,隔热效果更好,声学性能更好. 


DJR架构 & 设计 / photos Korey Kevin 工作室

设计ing for Efficiency

When evaluating how and when the design team’s time will be spent, 考虑模块化项目和现场项目之间的差异是很重要的. 最明显的是, 规划和设计是设计和典型的施工管理活动的混合. Since modular construction is largely a manufacturing process, all material specification and procurement are done upfront. 橱柜, 电器, 硬件, 家具, 固定装置, 和设备(FFE)也需要指定和锁定,以确保在模块施工之前产品交付. 这对于实现模块化结构的时间优势至关重要. 这意味着设计团队将在审查和批准提交的材料的同时,还将审阅施工文件. To make this a smooth operation, 完成的选择需要在过程的早期和果断地得到建筑业主的批准. Proper organization reduces the risk of change orders, 哪一个 is much more important for a modular project. Changes late in the process can cause delays and wipe out cost savings.

建筑师和室内设计师必须在项目开始时进行高水平的合作,构思建筑的设计. 这包括与工程团队和总承包商协调,了解所涉及的过程和方法, but the onus is on the architect, engineer and developer to create the schedule. More coordination brings additional soft cost expenses, but they’re far outweighed by a smooth process and reduced change orders.

Despite a potentially steep early learning curve, 新接触模块化结构的公司可以在更快的时间内看到成功的结果, greater quality control, and other benefits that result in significant cost and time savings.

Contributed by Dean Dovolis, DJR架构 & 设计

1 Global Industry Analysts. (2023). Global Modular Construction Industry.